A large problem of we experience the ill effects of headaches. The specific reason for headache torment is as yet not clear. However, there are symptoms and several trigger factors that we all should be aware of. Knowing about the trigger factors can prevent these issues in advance. Migraine trigger factors can vary from person to person. It is also important to make some lifestyle changes to keep migraine under control. Let’s know the details in today’s feature.

Trigger Factors of Migraine Pain:

In most (about 70%) people, physical and emotional stress triggers migraine pain. Excessive stress at work can trigger migraines. What you can do in this case is to make a priority list of tasks and follow it strictly. This reduces the chances of tasks being left incomplete, which also puts you at ease mentally. Stress management is a great virtue. We all have to acquire this quality.

Sleep schedule:
When we sleep, our body cells repair and the body goes through the healing process. So we get the strength to work anew. Similarly, our brain also gets rest. Therefore, if the regular sleep routine is disturbed, the risk of migraine attack increases. To avoid this problem, going to bed at the same time every day, not keeping screen time before sleeping, and sleeping for 7-8 hours, these rules can be followed.

Migraines are usually more common in girls than boys. Migraine attacks are more frequent due to hormonal reasons, especially before the period. Estrogen levels drop before the onset of menstrual flow. And when the level of this hormone decreases, migraine pain starts in many cases.

The amount of caffeine you regularly consume, more or less, can sometimes trigger migraines. So taking care of this matter can reduce the risk of migraine attacks. Avoid excessive tea-coffee consumption and smoking.

Migraine attacks can be triggered by changes in weather such as too much sun, extreme heat, cold wind, etc. Since the weather cannot be controlled, make changes to your work routine and lifestyle. For example, try not to go out in the afternoon sun, and do outdoor work in the morning or afternoon. Use a mask, and scarf in cold air. Take a shower twice a day if the vape is hot.

One more trigger variable for headaches is drying out or loss of water in the body. Drying out influences all aspects of the body. So dehydration often triggers migraine attacks very quickly. Along with this, there may be problems like weakness, inability to focus on work etc. So you must drink enough water.

Bright light:
Bright and intense light triggers migraines in many people. Continuously wear shades while going out between 10 am and 4 pm. While working or concentrating inside, ensure major areas of strength that aren’t before the eyes. If you want to work on a laptop or computer for a long time, you can put a separate glass on the screen and use photo glasses.

Artificial sugar, milk chocolate, processed food, cheese, tasting salt can trigger migraine pain. As it changes from one individual to another and can be effectively distinguished, staying away from these food varieties can diminish the gamble of headaches. Remember magnesium-rich food varieties for your eating routine to forestall headache torment.

On the off chance that you take medicine to ease headache torment over 10 times each month, quite possibly you will have another headache assault because of taking this drug. So try to reduce the pain naturally or without medicine.

Strong Odor:
In some cases, strong odours impact our nervous system. When a smell or a strong smell of perfume comes to the nose, many people’s heads tingle and gradually it turns into a severe headache. In this case, if you understand that you are having or may have problems, then try to avoid those things.

Migraine sufferers have different symptoms, with different trigger factors. Insufficient sleep, certain foods or drinks, and fatigue can also trigger migraines. Identify for yourself what your trigger factors are. So far today. Stay well, stay healthy.

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