Now almost everyone has a smartphone. Many people are used to taking regular pictures on smartphones rather than cameras. However, many people think that low-cost phones cannot take good pictures. But with some tricks, you can take good-quality photos even with low-cost phones.

Some of these techniques have been highlighted in a report by ‘Android Police’. Let’s take a look at ways to take good photos with a standard phone camera—

Clean the camera lens:
Mobile camera lens cleaning is almost neglected. When you take pictures, the pictures look blurry due to smudges and spots. For this reason, regardless of the phone you use, you should regularly clean the phone’s camera lens. However, a microfiber cloth must be used to clean the camera lens. Also if you want to remove stubborn stains from the lens, you can gently wipe it with isopropyl alcohol.

Adjust focus and exposure:
When using the autofocus feature when taking pictures, the camera automatically focuses only on bright light areas. It often does not show the content of the image well. To solve the problem, tap on the camera to set the focus to a specific place.

If there is not enough light, the exposure of the camera must be used. Exposure determines how much light enters the sensor. The more exposed the sensor lights, the brighter the image. However, overexposure can ruin the image quality. So it has to be consistent.

Use natural light:
Image brightness can be increased by using camera exposure and a flashlight. It is best to use natural light when taking pictures. This is because the flashlight focuses only on certain areas of the image. 30 minutes after sunrise and 30 minutes before sunset can be used for using natural light. This time is called the golden hour of photography. Bright light is available after 12 noon and in the afternoon.

Do not zoom:
It is best not to use the camera’s zoom feature to take a picture from the front. It spoils the image quality. To solve the problem, you need to get close to the specific person or object and take a picture.

Using the editing app:
A good quality editing app can be used to change the quality of an image. So after taking the photo, various filters can be used along with changing the frame, lighting, aspect ratio, etc. of the photo through the app.

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